Safety Planning Resources for Domestic Abuse Survivors

Safety Planning Guides

Items to Pack When Escaping Domestic Violence

Check this packing list from

Safety Planning and Technology

Learn how to protect yourself from technology-facilitated abuse with our tech safety tips.

WEB Scale

The Women’s Experiences with Battering (WEB) Scale is a series of 10 statements that can help survivors assess how safe or unsafe they are feeling. The respondent is asked to rate how much she agrees or disagrees with each of the statements on a scale of 1 to 6 ranging from disagree strongly (1) to agree strongly (6).

If you are still in the relationship: You can use the present tense version of the WEB Scale to gauge how safe or unsafe you are feeling in the relationship. In responding to the statements, try to think of the worst incidents.

If you have escaped the relationship: You can use the past tense version of the WEB Scale to gauge how safe or unsafe you feel. Escaping does not mean the fear goes away. Safety risk increases after leaving a relationship and spikes for at least two years, which is when most domestic violence incidents happen. Let this help inform the measures you can take to keep yourself safe.

Please see the safety plan for additional guidance.